Friday 26 January 2018

Idea Development

I've decided to settle on the second of my two options - a sort of self helps book. Specifically, a humorous life hacks book aimed at students. I chose this because I felt I knew more on this subject, than I did on cooking as I work as a student blogger so have to keep up-to-date with these kinds of things. I felt it was important to play to my strengths within this project, as taking a risk may severely impact my sales.

I chose to market my book at students, specifically, as I found that there is a lot of humour on the internet centred around the struggles of living away from home for the first time. It comes across that students tend to do a lot of silly things (possibly due to the fact that they're having to live alone before their ready, compared to people who choose to move out in their own time), and like to be reassured that they're not alone in this. As a student myself, I definitely feel this way!

I mentioned in my last post that I was considering including one character in my book, to add to the 'brand' of the product. I have now decided I'm definitely going to do this! I intend to include a cute, simple, student-based character as a sort of narrator for my book. Not only will this add to the brand, but cute, gimmicky characters (see; Minions) tend to sell well to my young audience, and this will also help me to clarify some points in my book through this character.

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