Monday 12 February 2018

Presentation to Lecturer and Kevin Gunstone

Today we presented our ideas to a lecturer who has sold at MCM, and comic writer, Kevin Gunstone. Above is the presentation that I produced for myself and my group (other members' sections were added after). There are details in the first four slides of the origins of the group ideas.

I tried really hard to find a balance between too much writing on the slides and not enough, as I wanted my part of the presentation to look as professional and engaging as possible (as it is a skill I'll need to utilise in my potential future career of teaching). I also kept this in mind in how I presented verbally. I tried to ensure that I was making the idea seem as interesting as possible, and that I communicated all important points.

Although he had very little to say about my personal work, Gunstone was extremely critical and borderline rude to other members of the group. This really demonstrates that, while some constructive criticism can be really useful (as our lecturer, Beci's, was), it's sometimes okay to overlook some criticism that's not overly useful to you or upsets you.

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